Déclaration Ecrite 0006/2013, signature de M. Jean LAMBERT, député du Royaume Uni

Publié le par C.E.P.L.

Monsieur Jean LAMBERT, Euro député anglais, a signé !



Merci à Arwen et à sa "maman for Love" !


Message de notre amie Nina Cecarelli. Merci à Nina pour son engagement dans la campagne pour la déclaration écrite et auprès de tous les animaux. Sous peu, nous vous présenterons son magnifique livre.



I infinitely thank you for your participation and your signature.

It is clear that the scandalous situation of these animals, so intelligent and so gentle, deserves our compassion, so that their terrible martyrdom ceases finally.

You understood it, thank you still!

Kind regards.

Nina Ceccarelli

2013/6/10 LAMBERT Jean <jean.lambert@europarl.europa.eu>

Dear Nina,


Thank you for your email regarding the Written Declaration 0006/2013. The suffering and treatments of greyhounds, be it for hunting or for coursing or competition, is a great concern for myself and for many of my constituents in the UK.

I welcome this declaration which will call upon the Commission to ensure that the European Union’s animal welfare legislation is implemented correctly. The declaration will also force the Commission to propose concrete actions to bring about an immediate stop to the acts of cruelty inflicted on greyhounds in Europe.

In order to be successfully adopted, the declaration must be signed by at least 369 MEPs (half of the House) before the 15th of July of this year. I will be signing the written declaration and will also be encouraging other MEPs to do so.  

For more information about my animal protection work see the latest edition of Making Tracks at http://www.jeanlambertmep.org.uk/document_detail.php?id=113.

Please let me know if you would like to receive Making Tracks directly and/or further email updates about my work as London's Green MEP.


Kind regards


Jean Lambert

MEP for London



From: Nina Ceccarelli [mailto:nina.ceccarelli@gmail.com]
Sent: 29 May 2013 19:04
To: WIKSTRÖM Cecilia; ENGSTRÖM Christian; FJELLNER Christofer; eva-britt.svensson@europarl.europa.eu; FÄRM Göran; HÖKMARK Gunnar; LÖVIN Isabella; lena.ek@europarl.europa.eu; PAULSEN Marit; ULVSKOG Marita; LUDVIGSSON Olle; SCHMIDT Olle; EICKHOUT Bas; BELDER Bastiaan; WORTMANN-KOOL Corien; VAN DER STOEP Daniel; DE JONG Dennis; BOZKURT Emine; DE LANGE Esther; GERBRANDY Gerben-Jan; VAN BAALEN Johannes Cornelis; jeanine.hennis-plasschaert@europarl.europa.eu; MERKIES Judith A.; SARGENTINI Judith; LIOTARD Kartika Tamara; VAN NISTELROOIJ Lambert; STASSEN Laurence; louis.bontes@europarl.europa.eu; SCHAAKE Marietje; CORNELISSEN Marije; VAN DALEN Peter; OOMEN-RUIJTEN Ria; IN'T VELD Sophie; BERMAN Thijs; MANDERS Toine; VAN DE CAMP Wim; SMITH Alyn; BRONS Andrew Henry Wiliam; DUFF Andrew; MCCARTHY Arlene; FOX Ashley; bairbre.debrun@europarl.europa.eu; NEWTON DUNN Bill; SIMPSON Brian; caroline.lucas@europarl.europa.eu; BEARDER Catherine; STIHLER Catherine; TANNOCK Charles; DAVIES Chris; MORAES Claude; HANNAN Daniel; CAMPBELL BANNERMAN David; MARTIN David; VAUGHAN Derek; CLARK Derek Roland; diana.wallis@europarl.europa.eu; DODDS Diane; MCMILLAN-SCOTT Edward; elizabeth.lynne@europarl.europa.eu; MCCLARKIN Emma; HALL Fiona; VAN ORDEN Geoffrey; LYON George; BATTEN Gerard; CHICHESTER Giles; WILLMOTT Glenis; BLOOM Godfrey; WATSON Graham; HUDGHTON Ian; FOSTER Jacqueline; ELLES James; NICHOLSON James; LAMBERT Jean; EVANS Jill; BUFTON John; AGNEW John Stuart; GIRLING Julie; SWINBURNE Jacqueline Kay; kirk.hope@europarl.europa.eu; MCAVAN Linda; HARBOUR Malcolm; YANNAKOUDAKIS Marina; ANDREASEN Marta; CALLANAN Martin; HONEYBALL Mary; mep_eastmids@hotmail.com; CASHMAN Michael; NATTRASS Michael Henry; GRIFFIN Nick; FARAGE Nigel; SINCLAIRE Nikki; DEVA Nirj; NUTTALL Paul; SKINNER Peter; BRADBOURN Philip; HOWITT Richard; ASHWORTH Richard; ATKINS Robert; STURDY Robert; HELMER Roger; KARIM Sajjad; LUDFORD Sarah; BOWLES Sharon; HUGHES Stephen; STEVENSON Struan; KAMALL Syed; COLMAN Trevor; FORD Victoria Grace; DARTMOUTH William
Subject: Urgent letter, Please


"Note I am in full agreement with this letter."

Nina Ceccarelli
69005 Lyon

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

Member of the Euro Parliament,

Only recently a statesman said: “No single law, or set of laws, can prevent all wrongs in the world. But that is not an excuse to do nothing”. One of these wrongs is the deplorable treatment of greyhounds in Europe.

Many people and organisations have repea tedly asked attention for this on a national and european level. But too often this painful issue has been side - stepped for political reasons.

Mrs. Striffler, MEP, together with Louis Michel (ALDE), Dan Jørgensen (S&D), Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE), Kartika Tamara Liotard (GUE), Santiago Fisas Ayxela (PPE), Sirpa Pietikäinen (PPE), Cristian Dan Preda(PPE), Iva Zanicchi (PPE), Sonia Alfano (ALDE), Gianni Vattimo(ALDE), Andrea Zanoni (ALDE), has assessed the issue and has proposed a Written Declaration 00
06/2013 that gets to the heart of the matter. Since the introduction of art. 13 of the Lisbon Treaty all animals are considered sentient beings, we need to pay full regard to their welfare requirements and this must be achieved by all appropriate and available means.

With regard to greyhounds, some regulation on a national level and self - regulation by the industries is present. But in many cases this has proven to be inadequate and ineffective. There is no compliance, no enforcement and no monitoring. And so thousands of hounds still suffer a terrible fate. Many greyhounds are bred and then cruelly disposed of when no longer considered of use. To stop this senseless suffering, Mrs. Striffler stipulates that the welfare of greyhounds will be genuinely prom oted by addressing these abuses on a European level.

This tragic situation can come to an end if the majority of MEP’s are willing to show their integrity and concern and not choose the path of the least resistance. We therefore respectfully ask for your support.

Please sign Written Declaration nr. P7_DCL(2013)0006 from April 15h to July 15 th, 2013

Strasbourg : LOW T2024 Desktop
Brussels : ASP 06D075 Desktop

Countless citizens deeply shocked by the torture of Galgos and Greyhounds in Europe hope you will sign it and work in the future on enforcement so that the european Animal Welfare legislation becomes binding on Member States.


Yours sincerely,





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à nous de continuer cette terrible lutte contre la bêtise (un des pires fléaux qui soit) et la cruauté sans bornes que nous voyons tous les jours se multiplier ! cette inhumanité abjecte doit être<br /> contrainte au nom de l'être vivant!<br /> Merci à vous Mr Lambert et à tous ceux qui ont signé pour l'amour de nos compagnons !
Merci à vous, tous ensemble mobilisés nous réussirons! toutes mes Amitiés Michèle
<br /> <br /> Oui, Michèle, exactement... Nous aurions pu réussir si nous avions été tous vraiment mobilisés... Nous avons encore vu que malheureusement la bêtise a régné tout en faisant semblant d'oeuvrer<br /> pour les animaux ! Pourtant des milliers de citoyens européens se sont mobilisés.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
je suis toujours très émue de voir mon ARWEN défendre si bien cette lutte, j'espère de tout mon coeur que ce tout ce qu'elle a subi comme tant de ces compagnons se terminera un jour et que nous<br /> réussirons à leur rendre leur dignité et tout l'amour qu'ils méritent
<br /> <br /> Chère Michèle,<br /> <br /> <br /> Merci de tout coeur à Arwen et à vous-même, je ne savais pas où vous contacter exactement mais je savais que tout l'amour qui vous unit ne pouvait qu'être mis au service de cette  noble<br /> cause. Sa carte est<br /> <br /> <br /> Votre petite Arwen accompagne maintenant tous les courriers Poste aux Parlementaires européens et tous les emails de remerciement. Merci de nouveau. Il est vrai qu'il n'est pas facile de choisir<br /> parmi toutes ces merveilleuses photos... mais Arwen au milieu de ces coeurs de couleur toucheront ceux qui la reçoivent.<br /> <br /> <br /> Nous continuons jusqu'au dernier jour... Nous étions là bien avant, nous y serons bien après...<br /> <br /> <br /> Encore merci et calins à votre Beauté. Qu'une belle et longue route vous garde côte à côte.<br /> <br /> <br /> Bien cordialement,<br /> <br /> <br /> Joelle GEE<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />